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The upgrade of FaceTrackNoIR was finally finished and the new version released. It contains the next improvements compared to v170:
After the quick release of the head-tracking API by Eagle Dynamics, following our petition, the interface for FaceTrackNoIR (and FreeTrack) was developed. Please read the Readme file inside the ZIP for instructions...
You will understand that creating this separate interface (which is also FreeTrack compatible) required considerable effort from our team. We will appreciate it, if you also support this effort by donating...
Remark: With v170, the DCS-games are also supported using the FreeTrack 2.0 protocol. Please check the known issues v170 page, if you are transitioning from v160 to v170.
Eagle Dynamics has released some games in a 64-bit version, which requires a 64-bit DLL to interface with FaceTrackNoIR. Mind you: FaceTrackNoIR is not 64-bit itself (yet), but it can still work, because a shared memory-mapping was used.