FaceTracking with just your webcam or smartphone!

Webcam Utility:


Webcam Utility

Many trackers supported by FaceTrackNoIR use a web camera to retrieve the image of the user and derive the headpose from that image. The webcam utility can be used to check if the camera works and to change the settings if required.


The order is which the video-input devices are shown (under "Devices") is also the order in which programs "find" them. This is particularly important with faceAPI, since that tracker can only use the topmost video-source. You can get your video-input "on top" by disabling the other(s) using Windows Hardware settings or alternatively use ManyCam to get video-feed.

The properties of the active webcam can be changed via "Options/Video Capture Filter".

Webcam Utility

Known Issues and limitations:

  • When the Webcam Utility is running, you can't simultaneously run the Tracker, since the video-source would be blocked;