FaceTracking with just your webcam or smartphone!

Known Issues of v200/v201:

The User Interface looks weird, when using a high-DPI monitor (4k)

This problem occurs with "classic Windows Applications", which do not support high DPI-monitors themselves. In April 2018 Microsoft has released a W10 Update, in which this Compatibility issue is patched. To make FaceTrackNoIR look good again:

  • Right-click the shortcut of FaceTrackNoIR.exe.
  • Go to the Compatibility tab;
  • Press the button "Change high DPI settings";
  • In the section "High DPI-scaling override" select "System enhanced";
  • Press OK.

Remark: this setting is saved in the Registry, so you have to set it only once...

The 64-bit version of IL2: Battle of Stalingrad does not respond to FaceTrackNoIR

It seems that the developers of BoS have made a little mistake there, which you can fix manually:

  • Browse to the installation folder of FaceTrackNoIR (typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Abbequerque Inc\FaceTrackNoIR_v200).
  • Rename the file NPClient.dll to NPClient_org.dll (so you can find it later).
  • Rename the file NPClient64.dll to NPClient.dll: BoS should work now.

Remark: if you want to use another game with FaceTrackNoIR, you probably have to reverse the renaming process...

UDP-tracker: portnumber cannot be entered below 5550 and Yaw, Pitch and Roll are only enabled, when X it too.

The header actually says it all:

  • The portnumber cannot be entered, below 5550;
  • Yaw, Pitch and Roll.are only relayed to FaceTrackNoIR, when the checkbox for X is also checked;

These issues were solved. You can download the fixed DLL from www.facetracknoir.nl.

Besides the fix, the UI for the UDP-tracker was upgraded, so more info is available for the user.

The Steam version of FSX does not respond to FaceTrackNoIR

Apparently the FSX Steam edition does not automatically install the legacy SimConnect interface. The solution is to install it manually:

  • Browse to the installation folder of FSX (typically C:\Program Files\Microsoft Flight Simulator X - Steam Edition\SDK\Core Utilities Kit\SimConnect SDK\LegacyInterfaces\FSX-XPACK.
  • Run the SimConnect.msi installer (you can probably right-click the file and choose "Install").

Dummy TrackIR.exe not starting, when there is a space in the installation-path

A (dummy) process called TrackIR.exe is required by some programs (like EZCA) to enable headtracking. This process is not starting, when there is a space in the installation-path. To fix this problem either:

  • Install FaceTrackNoIR to a different folder, for instance C:\FaceTrackNoIR or
  • Download the fixed DLL from www.facetracknoir.nl.

faceAPI tracker grabs focus, other windows become irresponsive:

The problem is caused by the video-widget, which grabs focus when the tracker starts and the checkbox "show videowidget" is unchecked.


Make sure to check the checkbox, before starting the tracker.

FaceTrackNoIR does not start on (some) PC's with an ATI Graphics processor (due to incompatible OpenGL)

santobr posted this about this problem (it kinda accurately describes the problem):

If you have an ATI GPU, you know that ATI driver's team doesn't like standards, they have their own OpenGL without any standard.
So, if your FaceTrackNoIR loads and then quits without any error, just put the file atioglxx.dll inside the main folder of FaceTrackNoIR.
Yes, yes, just like IL-2, unfortunately. This is not FaceTrackNoIR's fault, it is ATI driver's team's fault. There are things that only ATI does for you.

The only thing is that the dll file can be from Catalyst 11.5 or 11.4, because here everybody knows about the same problem with IL-2. These Catalyst's versions were the only versions that were full compatible with the OpenGL standard.